In recent months, I have been thinking a lot about the ethics that should guide the development and deployment of modern technology. A lot can be said about getting the foundation right to realize the ultimate purpose of technology - which is to benefit human beings and the world in which we live. The lens through which we view technology, will ultimately determine the lens through which we create it. Naturally, the lenses can take varying forms. They can be philosophical, ideological, political, ethical or moral perspectives. Whichever perspective one chooses should ensure a better life for all. Say, then, we make the correct choice, and we manage to create technology that serve that goal. Does it go without saying that the result will be just that? In other words, say we create technology which understands that umuntu, ngumuntu ngabantu, and which seeks to protect that ethic, what happens when it is deployed? What happens when human beings, beautiful and flawed as they are, enter t...
Exploring the intersection of AI, law, and political economy